Image Sources
In order of their appearance on the science pages:
Works Cited:
“The Last Ice Age.” Map. Planetary Visions Services. Planetary Visions Limited, n.d. Web. <http://www.planetaryvisions.com/Project.php?pid=2226>.
“Glacial Maximum CA 15,000 YR BP.” Map. Cosmographic Research. Cosmographic Research Institute, n.d. Web.
Parfit, Michael. “The Floods That Carved the West.” Map. Smithsonian 26.1 (1995): 11-48.
“Glacial Erosion (Plucking & Grinding).” Diagram. Glaciers. Summitpost.org, n.d. Web.
Topinka, Lyn. “Pacific Northwest and the “Missoula Floods”” Map. Cordilleran Ice Sheet and the Missoula Floods. USGS/CVO, 2002; Modified from: Waitt, 1985. Web.
Foster, Tom. “Grand Coulee, Northrup Canyon, Umatilla Rock and Deep Lake Potholes.” Ice Age Floods. 2011. Web.